Call us today at 660-815-0868 to schedule your Lake of the Ozarks or Truman Lake hunting or fishing adventure!
Bill Shumake
Bill Shumake lives in Sedalia, Missouri. He owned Town & Country Motors for 45 years. Bill has been an avid hunter and fisherman for over 50 years. After selling Town & Country Motors, he decided to find property suited for excellent hunting and fishing. Bill has acquired approximately 2,100 acres to date and will continually cultivate these acres for your exciting hunting and fishing experience.
Royal Peterson
Royal Peterson lives in Sedalia, Missouri with his wife, Jill and two children, Saige and Drake. Royal has been a University Instructor for fishing. In his 19 years of tournament experience, he has numerous top-third standings. Royal has guided in three states and been involved with the hunting world for years. He has had over 30 appearances on ESPN2 and has worked with several outdoor shows. Royal views it a privilege to share his passion for the outdoors with you at Missouri Hunting and Fishing Adventures.